MGB Framework

Honey | Beginner guide


Honey is a small, specialized, high level, efficient, flow-oriented, declarative programming language designed to facilitate the pre-processing, post-processing, and analysis of time series (and more generally symbolic and scalar time series and sequences).

Honey is specifically and only designed to process temporal datasets. For this reason, Honey will certainly not replace completely the existing programming language you are using to make your analysis (e.g. R, MatLab, Python), but it aimed to allow you to execute efficiently and quickly all the operations related to the time nature of your data.

A typical data analytics project will Honey will look like

Some of Honey's notable features are:

Getting Honey

Your next step is to install Honey on your computer. Honey source code and pre-compiled binaries are available on the download page.

If you want to use Honey with Window, it is likely that you will have to download and install both the "OpenCV DLL Pack for Window" and the "Visual Studio 2013 DLLs" available on the download page.

Honey binaries are available in the "Honey/bin" directory. This directory also contains the Honey Editor and Event Viewer.

To ease the use of Honey, it is recommended to put the "Honey/bin" directory in the PATH of your OS. After which, you will be available to execute Honey directly from the command line.

Note that if you try to run honey without arguments, honey will display its command line reference documentation and terminate instantaneously. Honey is meant to be used in a console, or through the use of the Honey Editor.

Honey can also produce graph plots. Will this is not a requirement; Honey graph plots are very useful to help the understanding of a Honey program. To use Honey graph plot capabilities, you need to install the GraphViz software tool (

Compiling Honey

The Honey package also contains Honey source code. Note that Honey has been successfully compiled on Visual Studio and GCC 5.

Since the Honey package already contains Linux and Window pre-compiled binaries, compiling Honey is not interesting for beginner users.

The Makefile is available in the "Honey" directory. The Visual Studio project is available in the "Honey/project" directory.

Compiling Honey requires the following libraries:

Library Window download location Linux repository name
Boost C++ Website libboost-dev
OpengCV Website libopencv2-dev
TiCpp Inside of the Event Script project Inside of the Event Script project
Ncurses Not needed -- Linux only libncurses-dev

Learning Honey

Your next step is to real the Honey tutorials organized into three sections: Beginner, intermediate and advanced.

After having read and experimented with the tutorials, you can read:

Need help?

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